Email is Dead. Long Live Email.

Email is dead…

Email is alive and well…

Outbound is dead…

Outbound is alive and well…

In the past few days I’ve seen more than a handful of posts proclaiming with certainty that [INSERT TOPIC HERE] is either deader than dead or more alive than ever.

This is why LinkedIn can be so maddening.

The truth is, nothing in B2B marketing is ever dead OR at its peak.

Technologies change, but playbooks stay the same. Yesterday’s ideas fall by the wayside only to be repackaged and made popular again.

(I’m looking in your direction, ABM.)

Today’s newest tools and tactics lose their shine quicker than every.

(Ahem… ChatGPT.)

And someday soon someone like me (but definitely NOT me) will take to LinkedIn and the speaker circuit to announce the arrival of the next great thing that will increase your sales and get you that higher valuation.

Then we’ll write blog posts, LinkedIn articles, and tweets (yes, I still call them “tweets”) about how this new strategy, tool, or tactic looks eerily similar to [INSERT OLDER TACTIC HERE].

There is nothing new under the sun.

Time is a flat circle.

You may think that sounds depressing… I think it’s oddly reassuring.

I find solace in the fact that there is (probably) no task without a usable solution.

No obstacle we haven’t already figured out how to get through.

It makes me confident in my generation and the next.

In the meantime, all you have to do is at least try to be a good person.

Problems will come.

Hard times will come.

But if you know where to look, you’ll always find your way through the storm.


Email Drip Campaign Basics


My Morning Routine… Mostly